This graph shows the plastic production in tons from 1860 until 2020. Unsurpingly the Plastic production from 1940 to 2020 has gone up, however the exponential numbers that plastic production has increased by is the reason for the overfilling of landfills, and the dumping of plastic into oceans that transpires.
2 million single-use plastic bags are distributed every day in the world
500 million plastic straws are used every day in the United States
The overuse of plastic such as 2 million plastic bags being used in a day, or 500 million plastic straws being used in a day just in the United States shows the over dependence that society has on something as harmful and toxic as plastic. Instead of using reusable bags or paper straws people would rather use plastic which posesses countless negitive and harmful effects.

Plastic alone accounts for 10% of the worlds waste
40% of plastic produced will be single use
The inability of plastic being reused leads to the overproduction of a product whose production process has so many negitive affects. If plastic could be reused more often the production of plastic could go down and the impact of global warming could be slowed and lessened.

60%-90% of all Marine Debris is plastic
100,000 marine mammals and 1 million sea birds are killed by plastic each year
The way to lower the amount of plastic in the ocean is to lower the amount that ends up in landfills as the more that these landfills fill up the more plastic that ends up in the ocean. This all comes from the issue of overuse and the issue that their is no reusable and sustainable solutions to plastic