The overuse of plastic has led to an increase in global warming and the death of wildlife

Why is it a problem?
Plastic takes thousands of years to degrade, meaning every ounce of plastic produced is still on earth. This along with the lack of capability to reuse plastic has led to an overflow of plastic in landfills.
Along with this the toxic production process that plastic goes through and the toxic chemicals that are released by plastic have contributed and caused global warming

Who does it impact?
This impacts wildlife who lose their life as a result of plastic being thrown in the ocean because the landfills overflow. This impacts humans who have to breath in the toxic chemicals that plastic is releasing. This affects everyone due to the negitive chemicals that coal gas and oil release into the air that has led to the warming of the earth
The issue that we have is the overuse and overproduction of plastic. This overuse and over production of plastic is the reason why plastic waste has gone up exponentially in the last 30 years. The overuse and overproduction of plastic is why landfills fill up so quickly and we dump plastic near and around our waterways, which not only harms the seas creatures that live in these waterways, but also harms us as the toxic chemicals in plastic gets into our drinking water.