Step 1 Reduce

When ordering food at a restaurant, or getting takeout restaurants should make the switch having customers ask if they want products such as straws, ketchup packets, utensils rather than automatically putting this in the bag, this is used by European countries such as France. This minor change alone would have a massive impact as people who originally would get these plastic products when they didn't need them would no longer have to throw these items just because it was given to them with their food
Step 2 Reuse

Another step to reduce the plastic use would be to decentives consumers from using it. When ordering take out if restaurants were to charge lets say 50 cents extra if the consumer does not bring their own bag, this would incentivize consumers to not use the plastic bags that are provided by the restaurant, and instead bring their own that they could re-use, similar to what some grocery stores already do.
Step 3 Clean Single Use

At some point the need arises for single use products, using material that decomposes unlike plastic would lessen the burden that these single use products have on the environment. Using containers such as these bio degradable ones which are much better for the environment then plastics. While these do cost more, the restaurants could give the consumer a choice of paying slightly more for an eco friendly option. Restaurants could also use a product such as Bamboo which is a relatively cheap solution as a 100 pack of bamboo straws cost 7 dollars on amazon along with a 100 pack of forks being around 5 dollars. This is because the bamboo tree only takes around 60 days to grow, making it one of the fastest growing trees. The key for alternative single use products is to ensure that, they are relatively cheap, and can decompose in the environment, such as the bamboo and containers.